Monday, August 8, 2016

(Deep breath)... House of Leaves: Mark Danielewski


One hundred and twenty-seven pages in. This distance is not to be taken lightly. Running out of sticky notes... wondering if halls will continue growing, changing, hiding that mysterious 'what' that is creeping out of sight, rumbling its displeasure or (and?) promise.  

It changes you, this insight, 
this infinite absence. 

Ergodic literature, that's the name of the writing format of House of Leaves. So very refreshing from a front-to-backer, I suggest sitting at a desk with a pad of sticky notes and a trusty writing tool in solitude, preferably on a dark and stormy week and a half. 
                             Don't Get Lost.
Set some time and brain space to the side; take a jaunt down the complicated and multi-level and oh-so-intriguing maze of the mind of Mark Danielewski. The amount of research, intent, direction, character development, realism, psychology, (male boasting?) -I could go on in this strain for a very long time- is jaw dropping, once the whole level of involvement becomes apparent. There is back-story, there is side-story and under-story and well-marked and hidden pathways throughout.

 When the final board falls shut, will there be an echo?

This is not easy holiday or weekend reading. This book is an investment, and well worth it.

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