Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Circle: Dave Eggers

The following review was written around March of 2015, submitted for your perusal.
            Here is a book for the ages, specifically the one we are in now. In The Circle, by Dave Eggers (author of A Heartbreaking  Work of Staggering Genius), we are told the fictional tale of a young woman who takes a job at an exceptionally successful and infinitely growing technology company with Utopian goals, and quickly learn their Utopia requires sacrifice, specifically the right to privacy. What is disturbing about this book is the similarity to our own technologically developing reality, our own loss of privacy rights without a peep from the determining masses, and our own complacency in trade for the shiny and new.

                The book is frightening in its equivalence and potential;  so relative the reader forgets the book is fiction and mulls the act of stepping away from digital interaction, or at least thinks twice about habitual internet interaction and device dependence.

                Although a bit predictable, this book is an eye opener, all be it a work of fiction. The Circle is a great read for tech/mystery enthusiasts, science fiction fans, conspiracy theorists, and those who enjoy putting together the strings of a story.

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