Friday, May 15, 2015


              This is the first of I don't know how many blogs. I'm taking a "wait and see" approach about how this whole thing will work out. I'm a pretty private person, but for some reason feel pulled to publish. The dichotomy of me: a need for privacy and a need to be known.

The purpose of this blog is to highlight some great printed (yes, printed) volumes that cross my path, or whose paths I cross. I prefer print to digital. I'm interested in the provenance of a book. Where did it come from?  From which era was it printed originally, and from which publishing company? Was it an independent publication? Is it a first edition? If not, were there modifications made from one edition to the other? What were the changes? What is the genre? Does it contain knowledge/wisdom lost to modern denial of value of aged things (aged pronounced age-ed)? How does a book published in 1912 relate to life today, and how was its writing influenced by the history before it? What does the book say about those living during the time of its writing? In what voice did the author write? How was language used to express ideas? What are the ideas that are expressed? Is there notation in the margins?

There are many more questions, but I think you get the gist. Provenance is important to me more than a value given on Amazon or Abe or ebay. The value of a book is in its content, not in its demand, at least in my opinion.

I imagine this blog will have some non-book related topics. I do think about more than books, but since all information can be sourced from some printed material somewhere (being that original thought may possibly be extinct), I can honestly say the thoughts are influenced by a book...somewhere.

So, introduction over.
Ta and Toodle-oo
More later, if I can remember my password.
Book Wringer